Computer Lab
A modern computer lab having multimedia facility is available in the school. There is a plan to give internet facility to all students.
The school provides dormitories equipped with bunker beds, cupboards and each Bhawans is lookedafter by a bhawan mistress (Lady Rector) who is responsible for the welfare, academic progress, administration and discipline of the inmates of the bhawan. Parents are not permitted into the Bhawans for the reasons of safety and security of the students.
All the students dine in a common mess. The mess caters for vegetarian food along with eggs in the breakfast. It provides morning tea, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and snacks and dinner for the students at the specified timings. Attendance is compulsory at each meal. Though the mess is run by a contractor, the school has appointed a Mess manager to supervise working of the Mess and to look after the arrangements. Samples of each meal are sent daily to the School Authorities for tasting to ensure quality of cooking. The menu served is general and nourishing in nature for the needs of growing children. Regular Mess meetings are held by the school authorities with the representatives of the students to know their problems and changes in the menu are discussed with them. No eatables from outside are permitted to be brought in the Mess.
Outgoing phone call facility is available only on restricted days.
School conducts various curricular activities as Group Discussions, Elocution competitions, Extempore speeches, Debates, Essay writing, Quiz, Art and craft competitions to inculcate communication skills and leadership skills among the students.
To bring out the intrinsic talents of the students and to develop the cultural dimension of their personality, a number of cultural activities are conducted in the school throughout the year. School gives weightage for promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture amongst Youth. The students are encouraged to participate in competitions like Drama, Community Singing, Quiz etc at the school level as well as state level.
School Magazine : The School publishes its annual 'Ramadandee' every year. The school magazine gives a glimpse of the school activities and also creative talents of Ramadandees.
Supervised Study: Compulsory supervised study periods (under guidance of Bhawan Mistress) are conducted every evening (except on Saturdays). During these periods the students are required to complete their homework/ assignments. Home-work is regularly checked and grades are allotted, weightage of which is given for the final exam.
A number of experts from various fields visit the school to interact with senior classes to provide them vocational Guidance.
The school has been recognized as a special school for Military Training by the Education Department of Maharashtra. Military Training is compulsory for all students in the school.
The school has been adopted by the Sports Authority of India under NSTC/DBS scheme for Athletics, Hockey and swimming disciplines.
The following subjects are taught under Military Training:-
a) Squad Drill | b) Weapon Training | c) Swimming |
d) Gymnastics | e) Shooting | f) Horse Riding |
g) Self Defense | h) Yoga | i) Map Reading |
j) Planning Exercises | k) Group Discussions | l) Public Speaking |
m) Adventure Activities | n) Training Courses | o) Military Camps |