Principal Desk

01 Apr 2021 15:34:51


Central Hindu Military Education Society’s Bhonsala Miitary School Girls was established in 2014.This was the dream come true for our Visionary founder, Great. Dharmaveer Dr.Balkrishna Shivram Moonje.
Dr.Moonje ji was a Patriot, who’s dream was not only to achieve freedom, but to retain it with well equipped Military Training programme for our young generation. With this dream Bhonsala Military School for boys was established in 1930 and for Girls 2014.
In Our campus ,we have ‘Kodandadhari Ram’ a Ram idol prepared from Gun shell metal, the one used by our Ramdandees for learning firing.
Every Child in Bhonsala is called Ramdandee, that is He/She should be ardent follower of Ram’s. Teachings. Every Ramdandee is trained to be obedient, respecting parents, Teachers & loyal to duties.
This spirit of Nation First’ is to be inculcated in the Ramdandees. The students are encouraged for joining Armed forces though NDA . Special training for the same is given to them. Other activities like Horse Riding, Swimming ,Trekking, Himalayan trek are also conducted to build body & mind of the Ramdandees. They are made strong to achieve all Goals in life, in what ever career they opt for. They are trained to empower the situation and be winners. Self defence is of utmost importance, which is thought to them but immediately next is the safety, guarding the Nation. The Ramdandees are simulated to opt for these careers in our school. Our Ramdandees participate in various competitions like Patriotic song, Elocution, Drawing & Handwriting etc.
Our Ramdandees have excelled in many co-curricular activities like English Olympiad, Swimming Competition, Kabaddi, Athletics etc.
The Ultimate goal of our institute to make our Ramdandees win in every walk of life. They should stand a part, in the society with their extraordinary qualities and fighting spirit.

Mrs. Vaishali Sanjay Kulkarni 
BMSG Nashik

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